Friday 29 May 2015

Silent Film Post Production

     Teaser Poster                                                                     Main Campaign Poster

1. Teaser vs. Main Campaign
   In a teaser poster one is given the first look at the movie. The poster only has a title and the main character of the movie. Sometimes a teaser poster may have a phrase or saying or some sort of quote. (my teaser poster above was supposed to have a quote but it didn't save... the quote was: FRIENDSHIP ISN'T EASILY GRAINED, YOU HAVE TO COMMIT.) In the main campaign poster one sees the title, production list, actors names, a picture that gives away the movie message, rating, and release date. ( main poster also had a rating and release date but it didn't save: releases June 3 and PG-13)

2. The main poster is more effective in creating a buzz for the film because it tells the viewers inside information on the film. The poster informs the people interested about who the actors are, who the producers and directors are  wanting them to stay interested. It also informs the viewers what age groups its for and shows the genre of the film.

3. The ideas of the content of the film suggests that its about a new girl at school hence the back packs and the bike. The movie might be about friendship and the struggle one faces to get it. 

4. The genre of the film is a teen drama and chick flick which the picture and title show on the poster. 

5. This movie is for teens aged 13 and older which is shown on the poster and you can also tell by the two girls walking because they look like teenager.

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