Saturday 23 May 2015


           Genre-Bending is a media text which goes outside the usual boundaries of its genre and breaks the familiar codes and conventions or creeds. One text that brings in elements of another genre or shatters the pre-conceived notion of the genre is considered of a genre bending. One movie that most of us are familiar of is the movie series "Scary Movie". This particular movies shows many genre bending examples which include of more than one genre and making "fun" of the movie genre itself. In the movie we see a lot of genre-bending like the movie is comedy rather than horror. Instead of getting the thrill while watching the movie one laughs more than feels scared.This shows that the movie is breaking some codes and conventions. Furthermore, the movie is making fun of typical stereotypes that happen in horror movies like in Scary Movie 5, Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen are about to have a sex scene, Lindsay Lohan asks if you can hear any thing. this scene shows the viewers the typical scary moment when characters are getting close. in Scary Movie 3 when Becca and Kate are walking down the hallway the movie starts to create some suspense and then the phone rings and it's someone talking in a creepy voice with creepy music in the background and it turns out to be Becca's mother on the other end of the phone. this shows the genre bending in the movie as well due to building up suspense and at the end its nothing. These were just a few examples of genre bending shown in the Scary Movie series, this a way of making fun of the stereotypical horror genre.    

Image result for genre bending scary movie 3        Image result for genre bending scary movie 3        Image result for genre bending scary movie 3Image result for genre bending scary movie 3

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