Wednesday 11 March 2015


     Is reality TV a positive force in our modern day popular culture? Does it reflect the best values and ideas of our society? In today's society reality television is the biggest entertainer out there. Everyone loves a nice reality shows when they are bored and have nothing to do but to sit in front of a TV. Reality TV is a positive force in our modern day pop culture. It helps reflect new values and ideas to the society. I definitely agree with the idea of learning something new while watching a reality TV show. You are certainly getting some great information which might help you in life.

    One of my all time favorite reality TV show is "Keeping up With The Kardashian's" because of the drama and the family is just hilarious to watch.Not only is this show a great time pass but also a source of information on relations, family, life in general, etc. This show portrays many positive values and thought to the audience. While watching the show you see many situations where some members of the family are fighting but in the end they are a perfect happy family. In these Ten or more season of the show there have been many misunderstandings and disagreements but from all of those fights the family makes up and keeps going with life. this show teaches us the values of compassionate with in a family or any other relationship. Adding on to that this reality show portrays the value of forgiveness and forgetting. 

Another one of my favorite pass time reality TV show is "Survivors" which also gives the viewers many positive life learning values. The shows teaches the viewers how to survive on a stranded island or any where deserted or not homey looking areas. The show portrays to the audience how to live a life on a stranded or just an area with out houses and facilities by learning to live with the surrounding things that are available. It's not likely for someone to be stranded on an island or anything like that but it is very good information to have just in case something every happens. 

Furthermore, another really good show that portrays positive values and ideas is "The Voice". This TV show shows the importance of following your dream or what you love to do and make it your life. The values portrayed from this show are simply follow your dreams and get something out of it and enjoy. These are pretty straight forward things but are very meaningful to life.

These are just a few reality TV shows that make our society interesting and valuable. the society can take back a lot form the many reality shows the industry produces.

Monday 9 March 2015

Music Video

   The music video i have chosen for this assignment is "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson.

Construction  of Reality

In the music video of  Uptown Funk the world is show in a realistic way because we have the whole aspect of hierarchy and the value of being rich and popular. I my personal interpretation the video is supposed to  relate to the values that are portrayed in today's society because  people now want money and fame and no one is realistically thinking about life.The video is definitely true in the fact that we teens think like that but in reality it is some what correct.

Codes and Conventions
Some stereotypes the video includes is the liquor part because it shows us how people will do any thing while drunk and rich. 

Creeds and Values
The life style is portrayed by wanting to be cool and rich and fancy. That's what is being told to the viewers. The people in the video have nice rich clothing on and they are more fancy looking rather then normal.

I think it is a good way to sell the video because it is a catching topic and that's what teenagers want. They want the easy way out.the target audience for this video are teens and yes the video fits the song lyrics.