Friday 27 February 2015

media discussion

        I believe that media is very important in my life.Media is an important part of my life because it plays a major role in every way. It connects me to what is happening to the scenarios in the world through the news, entertainment, social networking sites, etc. With out media, my life would be boring. Its the new thing, if you don't have any electronic device you're the odd one out because in this generation media is trending, it's everywhere and being apart of it is easy. This may sound really cruel but media in my life is an excuse to not listen to people, things, etc going on around me. I can simply plug my headphones in and ignore my surroundings. 
       I feel very passionate about my social networking sites because they keep me 'up to date' with what is trending or which video I need to go watch, what is the latest style, etc. I have instagram, tumblr and snapchat, all of these social networking's keep me posted on fashion tends, news, photography, celebrities, etc. I can also post photos and express my passion for photography through these sites.The second most passionate type of media I enjoy is the television because it entertains me and I love to just sit and be fat o the couch in front of the TV feeling relaxed and not worry about life. Watching TV is a stress buster which I need everyday.The third media type I feel passionate about is video games. Actually it's just one vedio game that I need to play to get my angry off and feel happy. I love COD (zombies preferred)......ya ya ya, I know its old and all but that is the only game that gets my frustration out and kind of "recharges" me. 

      I really like how the society has changed from just 5 years. Technology and new inventions are so different now. things get around really fast, with in minutes or even seconds people all around the world know about thing, like the whole "what colour is the dress" thing is all over the world. I think that the pop culture today is wonderful because we do not have to work as hard or look through the newspaper to get our information, it just comes to us through media. I really like how people are posting so many cool things on social media because it is the fastest way of getting information where ever you are. You don't have to wait till you have reached home to see whats happening in the world. 
     Something that I absolutely dislike about pop culture is all of the mean videos or picture with disrespectful comments that are posted on social media because it seem as if we have no humanity or emotions for what that person might feel. Ya, ya, ya, I know that it's funny and all and i laugh my a** off as well but really guys.....

      Teenagers now are being portrayed in a wrong on the ads, social networking sites, etc. I think that the society is expressing teenagers in a wrong way. teens are getting influence due to celebrities and and some fashion trends causing them to dress or act differently. Adding to that the movies and commercials also influence teens to behave in a certain manner-usually in a negative way. I feel like teens are more disrespectful towards their parents, teacher,etc then they would have been 10  years ago and this is due to what media shows us teens. Additionally, teens are more sensitive about how they look and what others see them as.... all they care about is their appearance and popularity. in some ways this is a bad influence but it is also good because teens are seeing the negative consequences along with the positive aspect of what media shows them.